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Batman Begins
  • 140minutes
  • IIA
  • 輔12

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

In the wake of his parent' murders, disillusioned heir Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the world seeking the means to fight injustice and turn fear against those who prey on the fearful. With the help of his trusted butler Alfred (Michael Caine), detective Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) and his ally Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), Wayne returns to Gotham City and unleashes his alter ego: Batman, a masked crusader who uses strength, intellect and an array of high-tech weaponry to fight the sinister forces that threaten the city.



Christopher Nolan


Bruce Wayne / Batman

Christian Bale

Rachel Dawes

Katie Holmes

Henri Ducard

Liam Neeson

Dr. Jonathan Crane / The Scarecrow

Cillian Murphy

Alfred Pennyworth

Michael Caine

James Gordon

Gary Oldman

Lucius Fox

Morgan Freeman

Carmine Falcone

Tom Wilkinson

Ra's Al Ghul

Ken Watanabe


Rutger Hauer

More Films in the Franchise

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight 2008

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